- Chapter 9 Who stole the tarts? 第9章谁偷了水果馅饼?
- Who Stole the Tarts? 谁偷了馅饼?
- The alarm went out for a John Doe who stole the diamonds from the store. 警察已发出警报,搜捕一个从店铺里盗走了钻石的家伙。
- I can tell you that it is he who stole the money. 我告诉你是他偷了钱。
- Who stole the cookies from the cookies Jar? 谁从饼干罐里偷走了饼干?
- He has found out the man who stole the key. 他已查出了偷钥匙的那个人。
- It's anybody's guess who stole the money. 现在还无法确定究竟是谁偷了那笔钱。
- Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? 谁从饼干罐里面偷走了饼干?
- Despite fine acting by several well-known stars it was a young newcomer who stole the show. 尽管几位名角演出都很出色,却未曾想竟让一名新秀抢尽风头。
- Rick:Of course. So who stole the research? 当然,那么谁偷走了那份调查报告?
- My final conclusion is that he is the man who stole the money. 我的最终结论是,他是那个偷钱的人。
- They wronged Jenny when they said it was she who stole the money. 他们说珍妮偷了钱是冤枉她了。
- The man who stole the treaty is the same man who kille dmy uncle. 这个偷条约的人就是杀害我叔叔的人
- Watch for the tall man over there. He may be the one who stole the diamond. 小心那边那个高个子。他很有可能就是偷了钻石的那个人。
- He'll be cramming his fingers in the tarts and stealing the fruit, if left alone with them a minute. 如果让他单独呆在这里,他会用手抓馅饼,偷水果的。”
- DNS is covered in more detail in Chapter 9. DNS在第9章更详细地被复盖。
- Chapter 9 Lawyering System of China. 第九章是律师制度。
- My supposition is that he stole the money. 我的猜测是他偷了这笔钱。
- Please turn your Bibles to Nehemiah, Chapter 9. 请翻开圣经尼希米记第9章。
- For more information on NFS, see Chapter 9. 对于关于NFS的较多资讯,见第9章。